Dave Caperton
5 min read
Change What You Perceive By Changing What You Receive
When I was a kid and we took long family vacations, our electronic entertainment options were: 1.The radio 2. Actually, there was no...
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Dave Caperton has energized the events of over 1000 organizations in business, education and healthcare with his laughter-filled keynotes, breakouts and workshops on managing mindset, beating stress and creating workplace happiness with the healing power of humor. Dave combines his background as an award-winning educator with his experience as a stand-up comedian and comedy writer to make every program not just hilariously entertaining but inspiring, interactive and packed with strategies to lead positive change from anywhere.
"Great presentation focused on how a growth mindset has a positive impact on all aspects of life and leadership."
"Engaging, entertaining with an extremely positive and impactful message."
"Interactive, fun ideas for how to make the workplace a more positive place"
"Dave is a very charismatic and funny speaker. He keeps you engaged, the content is enjoyable and relatable, and I would take advantage of an opportunity to see him speak again."
"The negative mindset is so easy to slip into. Thanks for making us aware of very small and simplistic tools to be more positive, and more inspiring as leaders."
"This was rejuvenating as a school leader!"
"Thank you! I needed the moment of sharing gratitude and hearing gratitude with someone."
“I had several people tell me that this was the best, funniest, most appropriate presentation in all the years that Granite has been doing our annual team-building exercise.”
— Bob Calway, COO, Granite Medical Group
Let Dave help you find the Joy in your life with Joyous tips, recommendations, suggestions in the home and for the work place. * Required Field