Laugh More and Stress Less
"The perfect blend of humor and inspiration"

Topic for the Work Place
The Amazing Power of One
How can one person make a difference? You’re more powerful than you think. A recent study concluded that the actions of one driver can unsnarl a traffic jam. Another study concludes that a single positive person is influential up to a third degree of separation (Fowler and Christakis, 2008). That means one person’s impact not only lifts up the people with whom he or she comes in direct contact but people with whom that person interacts and those with whom that person connects! It’s fair to say that one person's actions can be amplified in ways that can change the customer experience, a work culture, a community, perhaps even the world. You'll come away with an appreciation that you are more powerful than you ever realized to be the difference you'd like to see at work, at home and in the world around you.
You'll learn:
The two attitudes necessary to solve problems and effect positive change
The three simple steps that make a real difference
The incredible and indelible power of one act of kindness

"Dave had the group in stitches for 90 minutes with his homespun humor."
– Jim Mullane
Practice Match